
Monday 11 February 2013

Hey Girl

At first I had no idea what all the "Hey Girl" fuss was about, but once I started following along, I was laughing out loud.  If you don't know what I'm talking about, check out the party at View Along The Way.  Such great fun and it motivated me enough to use PicMonkey to add text to my pictures so I could join in.

First there are Cookie's thoughts on the whole "create something out of garbage idea:

Then my youngest son:
My eldest son is so thoughtful and understanding:
And lastly my ever patient and loving husband:

What would I ever do without my loving family?

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  1. These are perfect! (And so true.)

  2. Don't 'ya just hate when the they speak the truth! And I got an extra chuckle, on you husbands photo it looks like he is hung on the wall - see the picture hanger coming out of the top of his head? A funny you didn't intend!


  3. Still laughing at the idea of painting, then antiquing. I bet it does seem like insane behavior to our men! :) These were awesome, thanks so much for jumping in!

  4. hahaha, these are great! I see those "hey girl's" on Pinterest all the time and they crack me up. Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

  5. What dog doesn't beg for a bed of pallets?? Too funny. Thanks so much for joining!

  6. I nominated your blog for a liebster award. I couldn't find your email address to let you know personally. You can go to my blog for more info. Thanks.

  7. Hahahaha, those boys sure know the way to a DIYer's heart!! :)

  8. Haha! So funny! Following you back and looking forward to seeing more of your creations!


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